squared dotCases / Sebrae

Intelligent and automated management system

We created an event management system that helped Sebrae to take more effective communication actions, strengthening relations with its target audience.

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System development

System development

Sebrae's mission is to promote the competitiveness and sustainable development of micro and small enterprises. The Institutional Advisory Unit (UARI) of the organization is responsible for planning, executing and evaluating events to establish institutional relationships with the public. To this end, the branch defines corporate actions to strengthen the brand. The institution's demand was to create an event management system, since the participation of entrepreneurs and their contact was recorded manually, leading to significant loss of interesting data.


We delivered to Sebrae an intelligent management system that, based on effective actions to strengthen the relationship with their target audience, optimized the work carried out by UARI. It generates a corporate memory through history with the availability of real and updated data, which contributes to the creation of new communication strategies.

In addition to developing the system, we continued offering support and amplifying the management of institutional contacts according to the functional needs raised by the institution's team. This makes Criasol the current systems manager of any institutional communication action carried out by Sebrae at a national level.

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where we are?


Rua Pium-Í, 784 - 03 - Cruzeiro, 
Belo Horizonte - MG, 30310-080


Av. Comendador Ferreira de Matos,
nº 682, Sala D, Porto


4-5 Bonhill St, Shoreditch,
London EC2A 4BX, United Kingdom
Criasol Digital Business 2023.

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